Monday, May 23, 2011

"Shhh... Trust Me. Love, God"

As I write we feel peaceful, vulnerable, and curious. And yes, I confess... A bit of anxiety mixed in.

We learned this weekend that we most likely will not be traveling to Colombia until the end of August / beginning of September, bringing us home possibly even as late as October.

To their credit, Colombia is actually moving fairly quickly given our last extra requested documents arrived to them at the end of March.   We thought we had it all in, and that they were proceeding...  but they asked for a few more documents...  and that took time...  blah, blah, blah...

So, there are 4 - 5 more steps, each taking between 2 - 4 weeks.

I can't imagine why God would have us traveling right as school starts...

But then, I remember He is truly the One who called us to bring Heidy and Andres home, so there must be a bigger picture than I can know at this time.

I know God is present and close...
He only asks us to take the next step..
He does truly meets us in the journey.

What follows is a note Pete read to me while I was in Florida a few weeks ago. I was there with my brother, following the recent death of our dad, to help take care of details. Actually, I think my brother, David, took care of me... I am not sure how much help I was, but it was good to be with him!

David and I were sitting on dad's front porch; one of our favorite places at dads, and Pete called. He read us the following letter that he found in his mail folder at church.

" McIndoe Family,
I have had the enclosed money saved up for about a year and a half from birthday monies and Christmas monies that I got. I kept thinking I would save it to get that "special something". The thing is, I never really found anything that I wanted to spend the money on. I decided that it wasn't doing me any good to just keep it in my drawer and that you would be able to put it to better use for your adoptions. It isn't much, but it is given in love. "

"Bring them home!!!!"

How amazing is that?  Our family is speechless...
Of course we have no idea who gave us this gift, but we imagine a teenager, following the prompting of the Lord.  We pray for you, sweet one, and for others who are joining us on this journey too...  that God will abundantly bless you for your generosity.  May you know everytime you see Heidy and Andres that you played a significant part in God's redeeming plan for their lives, as well as encouraged us tremendously in our faith.    Thank you...

God does continue to reveal himself...
Even, and especially when we doubt...

When we look back on this journey thus far...
We know, that we know, that we know...  that God is leading, providing and bringing peace.

If I could just figure out what  to do about the 3 classes I am suppose to teach at co-ops begining in August and September, and how home school is going to work out for basically most of the first quarter, and how I can help Miami University with the commitment I made to teach...  and now can't...    And how will I be able to teach Heidy and Andres english, when I was going to do that this summer... before we started home school... And what will we do with our children while they are here, as home school starts, and my freinds are home shooling their own families, and surely don't need extra students around... And...

"Shhhh...  It's not about you Debbie.  I've got it covered.  Trust me.  Love, God"